31 Mart 2020 Salı


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog!
     Today I wanted to share my first vidcast with you. A vidcast  is a podcast that contains video content. The term vidcast comes from the combination of the words "video" and "podcast". So why am i introducing you this vidcast thing? Of course because of the fact that it can be used for both learning and teaching purposes! :) With these both visual and audial aids we can provide permanent and entertaining learnings! 

      Just like me you can use a platform like Blogger to reach out your students and tell them to watch the videos regularly. You can edit an make more professional ones as well. However, you can also use platforms like Voki, Flipgrid which I’ll be talking about in one of my later posts! So , you may stay tuned if you would like to see them!

       On my vidcast I talked about CLT( Communicative Language Teaching) which is an approach to language teaching. And this approach, with the help of technological- instructional tools and platforms I will be recommending in my blog can give the best results! I promise. Anyways, I hope you like it!
Here it is:

30 Mart 2020 Pazartesi


Hello everyone! <3
Today i’d like to tell you about 'podcasts’. A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening.
Podcasts can be very useful for both teaching and learning since they are audial aids. 
I just discovered an application called ‘Anchor’ thanks to my great friend. I tried to make my first episode of Web 2.0 tools. It was super easy and fun to do! I created my own podcast profile and recorded my first one as i’ve just told y’all!
And here it is, i talked about how English language learners and teachers can use web 2.0 tools. I hope you like it! <3

Here’s the link:

10 Mart 2020 Salı


     Hi guys! Welcome to my blog! I’m Zine Berfin , who is a young lady that’s preparing to be an English Teacher at the moment. In my blog, I’ll be sharing some apps , web 2.0 tools and etc. that can help both teachers and students. So, let’s get started!

     The first app that I’m going to be sharing with you is Gistory. A weird name right? Mustafa İlkhan who seems to be the developer of the app describes it as:
“Gistory is an interactive story app where you can create and share interactive stories for education an for fun!


       When you first open the app you see three gistories that kind of help us understand what the app offers. I found it quite helpful and fun! Because for me it’s always entertaining to read a story ,especially online. In this app, we are given a story (Around the world in 80 days) and at the end of the each part of the story we are given options. In these options , different continuations are written. You choose and keep the story going with your own choices. That’s why it’s called interactive! And the fact that we have this opportunity to shape the story really makes it fun to play.

    There is also a gistory that goes on with just vocabulary and little paragraph questions. This one also can be very helpful, especially to beginners. 

     I love the fact that several words are written with orange color which means when you click on them the meanings will appear! I think this is a pretty nice way to teach vocabulary to the kids and can be pretty permanent. 

      The other gistory is in begginner level Spanish language so i couldn’t really look at it. However I think it’s also a helpful gistory.  Now , let me show you guys my trials:
 In the first one I tried to create a simple story for students in classroom environment and have talks about it... 

 I firstly wrote a title and the story of each chapter shortly!
You can also create gistories by adding chunks , connections to each chapter! In that way students can see possible scenarios!
I added a photo that I draw for the chapter!
You can also add photos, videos, audios or quizzes for students to benefit from! It may be very useful and appealing to learners.

In each quizz you can easily determine right and wrong options and also, add as many options as you want!

I gave vocabulary knowledge.
As stated above, you give the meanings of certain words by clicking on them and writing the meanings!

In addition, I tried to create a gistory in which my students may see their ‘Seasons’ knowledge. In the classroom, we can try to solve all the quizzes while talking/ discussing on the topic. 


    Overall it’s a very nice app but if it’s fixed and improved in terms of creating a gistory more easily and given the opportunity to share it with other people , I think it would be GREATER!