31 Mart 2020 Salı


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog!
     Today I wanted to share my first vidcast with you. A vidcast  is a podcast that contains video content. The term vidcast comes from the combination of the words "video" and "podcast". So why am i introducing you this vidcast thing? Of course because of the fact that it can be used for both learning and teaching purposes! :) With these both visual and audial aids we can provide permanent and entertaining learnings! 

      Just like me you can use a platform like Blogger to reach out your students and tell them to watch the videos regularly. You can edit an make more professional ones as well. However, you can also use platforms like Voki, Flipgrid which I’ll be talking about in one of my later posts! So , you may stay tuned if you would like to see them!

       On my vidcast I talked about CLT( Communicative Language Teaching) which is an approach to language teaching. And this approach, with the help of technological- instructional tools and platforms I will be recommending in my blog can give the best results! I promise. Anyways, I hope you like it!
Here it is:

2 yorum:

  1. Its interesting that your videocast is kind of a short summary and its synoptic but it includes the key points.I liked it!
