17 Mayıs 2020 Pazar


Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog! 
I hope you have a nice day. Today in my blog we’re going to focus on how to teach in a platform like Second Life!
     Second life is a 3D virtual world in which users can create, interact, collaborate and chat with others for entertainment, education, business, socializing... It was developed and owned by the San Francisco-based firm Linden Lab and launched on June 23, 2003. So, this is also counted as virtual reality since in the game you’re like in a real environment... Today in my post, I’m going to briefly tell you how to use this platform in teaching. By the way, you start this game by choosing an existing avatar! So, first of all as teachers, we can teach our lessons in a class environment with  our students by using both our voices and texts in Second Life. It becomes just like a real classroom environment since students and teachers can interact, collaborate, ask questions to each other and so on. There are also chairs and desks as well! So, for example in these days of quarantine because of covid-19 , it would be very useful for students and teachers to use this platform because it’s not so different from a classroom! Secondly, in here students and teachers, while learning for example Shakespeare’s Plays , can find themselves in ‘The Wooden O’ just in seconds. If they’re learning about a place that is nearly impossible for them to go in real world, they might easily do it in here. Thirdly, you can play educational games within the Second Life. As teachers we can even use whiteboard , share information, present our lessons effectively by showing them the slides just like we can do in our real classroom environments. Students can perform their ‘role play activities’ here even in their own environments. Lastly I can say, learners may work on their projects, assignments by interacting and creating ideas together as well! However, there are so much more advantages Second Life provides to create an effective , real learning environment. In addition to these, in this game there are many campuses of educational institutions in which students can spent time!
Here are some photos from the game (educational use, my university..):

  I hope more teachers can explore and use Second Life in their teaching career to make education so much more effective and entertaining.

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