13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba


Hello everyone!
Welcome to my blog. I wish everyone a peaceful day! 
Today the app I’ll be reviewing to you is going to be quizlet since it helps language learners improve their vocabulary with flashcards! Such a blessing! 

After downloading Quizlet application, I’ve searched through the ‘Study tests’ and ‘Classes’ to understand the system of it , also my dear friend Merve’s study set! ( check her out, her blog’s amazing!: https://mervesjournal.blogspot.com/?m=1 ). So, I’ve gone through some tests about the terms that were created, like my friends’ and I found it very useful for ‘teachers’ actually. Let’s examine it in detail!

-These were the ones I’ve examined-

As a teacher, you can create your ‘Study Set’ by firstly choosing a topic, and then writing the related terms under the topic with the translations of the words in which language you want to create it! In our case this is Turkish. If you have a Quizlet Plus account, which requires a payment, you can also add pictures or make your terms bold, italic or underline, that way they could be so much more easy to comprehend and learn! However, I had to try it without having a Plus account. I was still able to add terms as much as I want, so that was really cool!

After completing this part, your study set gets prepared with ‘Learn, Flashcards, Write, Match, Test’ phases. I was amazed to see a whole material with such a little effort! 

In ‘flash cards ’ part, you can see the flashcards, you can ‘flip’ them and see the terms in both the target language and the native language, or any other language you know and practice as much as you want to learn them!

In ‘learn, write, match, test’ the knowledge of the terms are evaluated. For example: 

Here students ‘write’ the translations of them and see if they’re correct or wrong. If they are correct they pass into a new question, however if they’re wrong the app shows them the correct answer (spellings) and then students can learn it by fixing these little ,completely normal, mistakes! 

Here , students should try to ‘match’ the correct  correspondences of the words and have fun while learning in such a gamified way.

And here, they can test their knowledge of the terms in the end by several ‘multiple choice’ , ‘true-false’ , ‘written’ tests!

Lastly, a great feature of this app is that , it provides the pronunciations of the terms just under this learning and evaluation part. Thus, students may learn not just the meanings of words but also how they are pronounced by a native speaker!

Long story short this application , when used correctly, might be very useful, efficient and in favour of students and teachers in their education life! That’s why I recommend it to anyone who has the chance to use Quizlet.

Here’s link of my quizlet study set if you would like to examine: https://quizlet.com/tr/507785517/sports-flash-cards/?i=2vixup&x=1jqY 

Have fun and goodbye! 

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