23 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! 
I hope you have a great day. 
Today in my blog, we’ll be talking about the advantages of Augmented Reality (AR) in education and how to use them.

    While in Virtual Reality real-like environment are tried to be created in Augmented Reality some additions to the reality are made. We can see it in many games as well, the most famous example can be Pokemon Go. These systems show virtual object in the real environments. As teachers, using AR in our teaching environments may be very useful! 

     The use of Augmented reality is divided into 2 groups: Marked- based AR and markerless. In markerless one the object you choose appears in any area you hold your tool’s camera to while in marker-based one, you need to scan a specific image for a specific object which is used in education the most. We can benefit from it by scanning certain pages or posters or flashcards to  make animated objects or creatures or ‘ a video’ seen in any lesson we teach from geography to biology. 

      In my blog ,surely, I want to focus on language teaching. A very common use of AR in foreign language teaching is to benefit from flashcards. For example you can show your camera ‘the names’ or ‘the pictures’ of animals with the help of flashcards and then they will appear in the screen moving or stayin still. This will excite your students and they’ll mostly be very interested to learn in this kind of way. To make a similar exercise, I’ve made  a very amateur AR material just to give an example and understand the system of this ‘Augmented’ reality.  To do this I got help from the app ‘UniteAr’.

Once you open the application you can see the scan and AR gallery options to realise your AR experience. 

I chose to firstly examine the AR gallery, to see the characters in hand to create material. O was very happy to see the Animals gallery since I desired to make a material on that.  So i chose animals option. I just tried to create very simple papers on which there is a certain animal name. I imagined them as the word cards that are used by language learners very often. When the learner forgets one of them and wants to learn it for good, s/he can hold this card to the camera to learn what it is or maybe even further information about it if it’s not in a photo form but in a ‘video’ form.  In this example i just kept it in the photo form. I scanned the relevant paper( intended to be cards) with the animals and results were these:

AR,  when intensely and professionally worked on, will definitely provide effective learning to the learners. I hope all of us can explore platforms like UniteAr more and bring it into our classrooms!

Good by my dear readers.
<3   <3    <3

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