11 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi

WHAT ARE TPACK AND SAMR MODELS? : How to Use in Language Teaching Classes?

Hello everyone! I hope you all are okay!
Today in my blog I’ll be sharing two models that may help teachers and learners to engage effectively with technology in classes and in specifically in language learning and teaching classes. Let’s examine them!

TPACK( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)

Common Sense Education explains this model as “TPACK is a model that helps teachers consider where their strengths and weaknesses lie in their knowledge of content,pedagogy and how these areas work together for innovative teaching and learning.”. Here:
CK (Content Knowledge) represents ‘what you teach’. In language teaching case this may mean vocabulary knowledge, grammar knowledge and so on.
PK (Pedagogical Knowledge) represents ‘how we teach’. Here we can see all teaching methods, instructional strategies , assessment knowledge.
And TK( Technological Knowledge) represents our knowledge about the technological tools that can be used in classrooms from apps websites etcetera to games. 
These can also be united as PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) , TPK (Technological Pedagogical Knowledge) TCK (Technological Content Knowledge) with making real and effective connections between the two elements. 
Lastly intersection of three knowledge domains represents Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge , how our knowledge of teaching can be integrated with the things we teach and technology. 
So with the help of this model you can interact and collaborate with your students or your colleagues. 
How to use in Language Teaching?
Since language teaching requires a lot of interaction, collaboration, effective input, authentic materials , many tasks and exercises that needs listening, speaking, translating and so on , the aid of technology would be huge in class environments. Teacher can combine his/her teaching skills and ways with content that needs be taught and in the end might provide a very effective learning environment by adjusting all of these variants.

SAMR ( Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) MODEL

This model was created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. As can be understood by its name , the model has 4 components. Substitution and Augmentation are seen as ‘Enhancement’ steps when Modification and Redefinition are seen as ‘Transformation’ steps. Let’s examine each of them.

Substitution: Technology acts as a direct substitute with no functional change.
**Language learning students, in this phase may get help from Microsoft words, Prezi, PowerPoints, slides to see new forms/structures of language, to see how to write (letters,invitations etc.) exercises, to make activities like fill in the blanks and so on.
That way teachers can make classroom procedure differently rather than traditionally.

Augmentation: Technology acts a direct substitute , with functional improvement for students.
**With the help of this stage we can increase and enrich our students productivity in the learning environment. For example in language learning classes this may work in these ways: students can make videos on certain topics, make discussions, presentations and share them with their friends , so their friends can also see, comment and share their ideas etcetera. Some role plays or any type of activity which is in an information gap format can be applied in classroom with the help of technological devices. Therefore, the interactivity and a transition from individual learning to social learning may be provided easily. 

Modification: Technology allows for significant redesign 
Redefinition: Technology allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable
** These two stages expresses a transformation of practice. In modification part students may create and share new material/ works/ product using the multimedia resources available. In language learning case these products can be on any topic they want since a language includes any area of life within itself,surely, such as Natural disasters, Transportation vehicles, Sports , Culture, many structure knowledge, communication ethics and so on. In this way, teacher may save time while having an interactive and creative learning environment. As for Redefinition phase, Puentedura explain it as ‘Students taking charge of their education, feeling excitement & ownership of their learning, a continual re-examination of the practice.’. In this phase the providences teachers and learners have thanks to technology would not be had in any other way previously. This can be exemplified for language teaching as connecting with the native speakers of the language which is desired to learn, seeing their use of language, accent, even expressions and gestures and keep on their learning in the light of these informations... In other words this can be explained as ‘redefining the ways we enhance our learning’. 

                      photo from: https://www.showbie.com/showbie-samr-model/

In short since these models may be useful and effective in language learning classes and actually in any other classes, they may be comprehended and applied accurately as much as possible! 
I wish everyone a happy and healthy day!
Please don’t forget to use technology for the benefit of your education in these days of quarantine, good bye!

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