19 Mayıs 2020 Salı


Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog!
    Today, I want tell you about an application that may be very helpful to use with our students when used correctly. We can have fun while doing so. I believe with the features it has, it can provide a great amount of feedback and progress knowledge of students for teachers very easily! Plus it is entertaining to use! Let’s have a look at this app in detail.
    Firstly when you open the app, it asks if you are a teacher or a student. We as teachers and our students should initially open our accounts which are presenting our position. 

Then, it makes you name one of your classes and then determine the grade it! I’ve chosen 8th grade here and named it ‘~English~’ . However, you can open as many classes as you need which will help you put everything in order regularly. 

When you push settings button in the app, you’ll see ‘class settings’, ‘add students’, ‘add parents’ options. Here you can adjust your preferences about each of your classes, add your students and also their parents as the followers of their children! Seesaw has a separate app (Seesaw Parent and Family) for this purpose. This may greatly effect children to not lose their focus in a way, with being aware of the fact that someone has an eye on them! 

As teachers, we can make certain important announcements to the parents of our children which they need to know. In that way teacher-students’ parents interaction will easily be provided!

In this platform you can assign your students by giving them related photos, links, videos or audios, you can create it as an activity as well. Students can also give their responses in these kind of various ways, in that way they can be creative! While creating your own assignment, firstly a topic name should be given. Then you can order all the necessary instructions learners need to know. I , as can be seen, added a video to my assignment. At the end I’ll share my assignment with all of you.
While the activities we create are in MyLibrary part, the ones that are created by our colleagues are in ‘Community’ section. Before preparing mine I examined all of them and saw  great ones. I would definitely like to assign some of them to all of my students! It is great to see many other examples of these exercises teachers all around the world create. It may help us keep up with the new useful ways of teaching and learning...

After giving the assignment, ‘Student Announcements’ section of the app can be used to inform our students about it! Here, I tried to give an example of such kind of announcement. Many other information about lesson, activities, materials, links of the useful sites, videos or anything that are helpful can be shared with children here.

By using the ‘post student work’ option we can share photos, videos, drawings , notes or links with each of the students specifically or with all of them. This will add the shared material to their journal (home page of the class). 

Last but not least, with ‘Skills’ we can see our students progress through the lesson with assignments/activities. This is also a great assistant for teachers to move their classes according to learners’ need.

Here with this link, you can see the first assignment I prepared for my students! I hope you liked it:
Check out my activity on Seesaw!
Topic: What’s the recipe of your favorite food/meal?

    To sum up, Seesaw is a very educational tool to use both in and out classroom. And, it is suggested by me to benefit from these helpful features of this app to the teachers!

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